The Women’s Guide To Interview Fashion – Company Dress Code

An outfit that can be worn in the spring

Having a hard time trying to determine what to wear to your upcoming interview? A little insight on a few things to think about when deciding on the perfect outfit will help you nail your upcoming interview.

Company dress code is one of the first things to keep in mind when narrowing down your “this job is mine” outfit. I will go through one of the deciding factors to give a more in-depth understanding of how to create the best interview outfit for you, so that it may make the processing of selecting your outfit a little easier.

It is important to know the dress code of the company you are interviewing for, as it can help you to determine what would be considered “too little” or “too much” for the interview setting. Most companies are broken up into (3) main dress code types:

  • Business Professional
  • Business Casual
  • Casual

Determining the environment will definitely help with determining the style of outfit to go for. For example, a company that defines their work culture/attire as casual, may not expect an applicant to interview in a 3-piece skirt suit. On the other hand, a company that’s dress code is business professional, may be turned off by someone who shows up to interview in a jean skirt and short sleeve cardigan. Information regarding the dress code of a company may be obtained from a quick search on their company website, or in a detailed conversation with your recruiter. Regardless of the way you receive that information, it is a great starting point to picking the appropriate ensemble.

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