- Drive | 30 minutes
- Work | eight hours
- Drive | 30 minutes
- Cook dinner | one hour
- Eat | one hour
- Sleep | eight hours
- Repeat | 52 weeks a year
Too many of us accidentally take for granted life and its greatness. We get trapped in an eventless routine where our lives revolve around excelling in our career and sleeping. We miss out on the beauty surrounding us and the moments spent with those close to us. This work-life imbalance can lead to higher stress levels and personal relationships deteriorating. However, if we prioritize a healthy work-life balance, we can overcome the feeling of being overwhelmed by our job and have a better quality of life.
Achieving a healthy work-life balance begins with scheduling time to enjoy yourself whether it is a vacation or a designated time for you to engage in activities you enjoy. How you spend this time is up to you whether it’s attending a yoga class with a friend, reading a book alone or playing board games with loved ones. As long as you are away from work and enjoying yourself, you’re doing it right.
Next, you should indulge yourself in the present as opposed to the future. Oftentimes we focus on the next task, the next deadline and the next day. This creates a constant sense of urgency and the inability to fully relax. Instead, during this scheduled time, it is best to detach yourself from technology, live fully in the moment and pay close attention to your senses and mood. Without the distraction of texts, emails and social media, you tend to notice more and feel more. While it is important to plan and ensure you are accomplishing goals, it is also important to take a minute to breathe and stay in the now.
With a healthy work-life balance, we become more productive, less stressed and overall happier beings. By trying to incorporate these simple moments into our lives, we can change our perspective on our quality of life.
How do you plan to better balance your career and personal life?
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